14 Pearls Of Wisdom To Help You Train Better, Smarter And More Effectively

Pearls Of Wisdom To Help You Train Better, Smarter And More Effectively

1. There are no quick fixes, shortcuts or magic pills when it comes to weight loss, health or fitness

Sorry to burst your bubble right off the bat, but it’s true. You can certainly speed up the process, avoid mistakes and maximise your efforts with tried and tested methods, but the key words here are your efforts. Working hard and being disciplined is a prerequisite. The trick is knowing and putting into practice the advice and methods that are more effective than others, so you’re able to maximise your time.

2. The scales are not a good way to track fat loss

Unless you have over 10-15kg to lose, the scales aren’t going to give you a great deal of useful feedback. The issue with scale weight is it doesn’t distinguish between muscle and fat, and most people know by now that increasing muscle will help you lose body fat and make you look better. Losing muscle is bad, increasing muscle is good, but the scales won’t tell you that!

3. Soreness is OK, but it’s not a marker of a good workout

Just because you aren’t sore the next day, don’t think that you didn’t train effectively. Some people tend to get quite sore and some don’t, it’s quite an individual thing based on your body’s own inflammatory response to training.

4. Stacking fitness on top of dysfunction will only lead to injury or plateau

This fact is greatly overlooked in much of the fitness industry. While movement quality and training technique isn’t ‘the sexy stuff’ which is going to motivate you and make for an inspirational marketing campaign, it’s often the difference between progress and results or spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Even worse, training with poor technique and lead to acute or long-term chronic injury.

5. Attitude is the number one thing when it comes to your results

If you have a positive, can-do attitude with a genuine desire to improve and progress – you WILL get results. A bad attitude will hold you back significantly. There is a direct correlation between attitude and success, regardless of genetics and natural abilities.

6. Don’t buy into the idea that just getting older will lead to a decline in your physical performance

None of us are going to live forever, but the more time you spend keeping unhealthy habits, the worse you’ll get over time. The cause is NOT your age, but the amount of time spent living a lifestyle which is detrimental to your body.Is smoking for 10 years worse than smoking for 5 years? Is banging your head against a brick wall for 10 minutes worse for you than doing it for 5 minutes? Of course the answer is yes, and it has nothing to do with being older.

7. Exercise is just like brushing your teeth

No one gets excited about brushing teeth, but you know it needs to be done, and you just do it. And you wouldn’t clean your teeth five times one week and only once the next. By the same token, exercise shouldn’t happen in just 8-week or 12-week blocks, it should be a normal part of your routine.

8. There are many variables that have contributed to your current level of health and fitness

Some people are genetically predisposed to being leaner, stronger and fitter. Some people started exercising later on in life so have less training experience and are playing ‘catch up’. Some people grew up eating poorly, and are now trying to 

. Exercise is just like brushing your teeth

No one gets excited about brushing teeth, but you know it needs to be done, and you just do it. And you wouldn’t clean your teeth five times one week and only once the next. By the same token, exercise shouldn’t happen in just 8-week or 12-week blocks, it should be a normal part of your routine.

8. There are many variables that have contributed to your current level of health and fitness

Some people are genetically predisposed to being leaner, stronger and fitter. Some people started exercising later on in life so have less training experience and are playing ‘catch up’. Some people grew up eating poorly, and are now trying to change deeply ingrained habits and reverse the consequences. Some people just need to work harder than others to get the results they want. We are all different. It’s important to understand where you are along the spectrum and where you want to be, and match your dietary efforts and exercise output accordingly.

9. Recovery from exercise is just as important as the workout itself

A healthy post workout meal, 7-9 hours of sleep, stress reduction, and some downtime are essential to a balanced program and optimal results. You don’t get results from the workout; you get results by recovering from the workout.

10. You are what you eat, eats

What you eat (or don’t eat) might have the single biggest impact on your health and lay the framework for your physical fitness and body composition potential.But also think about the quality of the food you eat. If it’s a fruit or vegetable, how was it grown? If it’s an animal, how was it raised? Did it live in a cage or roam free? Was it given a natural grass fed diet or an unnatural grain fed diet? Was it pumped full of hormones and antibiotics? Your food is only as good as the health of the plant or animal it came from. You are what you eat, eats.

11. If you go looking for an excuse, you’ll always find one

But just remember than somewhere in the world there is someone else, in worse circumstances than you, still reaching their goals.

12. Results don’t happen in a linear fashion

Your body doesn’t work like that. Sometimes you just have to embrace the grind and deal with the monotony of eating well and training and have faith in the process. Don’t expect consistent progress every week. Sometimes things just have to come together to hit a critical mass or a tipping point and, all of a sudden, you’ll notice a big increase in fat loss, or a breakthrough in strength. Embrace the grind.

13. There are plenty of ways to improve your diet – not a one-size-fits-all approach

Not everyone has to follow the same eating plan as long as the fundamental principles stay the same – eat natural whole foods, remove processed foods, provide your body with sufficient nutrients to maintain health, fitness, muscle and strength, and create an energy or calorie deficit to lose unwanted body fat.

14. What you look like now, and how fit and capable you are, is largely the result of how you eat and move every single day

This will also be the case in one, five, or 10 years from now. 
How do you currently eat and move every day? And what adjustments can you make to help you reach your health and fitness goals?

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